Liable Parties in Car Accident Cases
Liable parties in car accident cases from which an injured person may recover for damages and injuries.
Preparing to Take a Deposition
This piece discusses some of the steps attorneys and witnesses can take when preparing to take a deposition during the course of litigation.
Filing a Motion for Reconsideration
This article discusses some of the things litigants and attorneys should keep in mind when filing a motion for reconsideration during the course of a lawsuit.
Loss of Consortium Claims
Loss of consortium claims involve damages asserted by the spouse of an injured party, and this article discusses some matters litigants and attorneys should consider when pursing such claims.
Amending a Complaint
Amending a complaint may be required if new facts are uncovered during litigation, and this article discusses some issues involved when pursuing this strategy.
Why Many Cases Resolve Before Trial
This article discusses some practical and legal reasons why many cases resolve before trial when they did not resolve earlier during the course of litigation.
Hiring an Expert Witness
Hiring an expert witness is a huge decision during the course of litigation, and this article discusses some considerations involved in selecting the correct expert witness.
Restoring a Cancelled Trademark
Restoring a cancelled trademark can be a complicated process, and this article discusses some of the steps taken when pursuing this process.
Obtaining a Default Judgment
Obtaining a default judgment is often necessary after a party fails to answer a lawsuit, and this article discusses the steps taken to obtain a default judgment.